
The Wines

The Blackfly wine list is extensive and our wine room is over one thousand bottles strong. Most of us here at Blackfly are pretty serious about our wine and our passion is reflected in our wine list. Of course we have a full complement of reds, whites and specialty wines including our strong desire to drink a good port in the winter…or any other time for that matter.
The Wine Room is the focal point of our colorful dining room and the soft glow of all of those earth toned brown, green and yellow bottles sets the mood for sharing a perfectly paired wine with your dinner. Your server will bring the list to your table along with your dinner menu and if you have any questions we will be able to help you find a bottle that will be the perfect fit. We’re not snobby about wine so don’t hesitate to ask any question. We all started out not knowing anything about wine and even the most sophisticated of us need a recommendation here and there.
To quote Anthony Bourdain about drinking, “Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”